Eve suggested that we go for a hike this weekend, and I was ready to get out to the country, so we skeedaddled it up Fall Creek for the afternoon. First we checked out the campground where I hope we'll camp this summer. (The pix with D-man are at that camp ground.) The reservoir was empty, so it was eerie with the creek running where a big lake used to be. Then we accidentally, but luckily, headed up-crik and found us a nice trail to hike. I think we did 2 miles total, which was plenty for the kids and for my legs too! Goodness gracious, Oregon is spectacularly beautiful. And all this fantastickness is only 30 mins. away from where we live.
We saw the following birds: bald eagle (I kid you not,) great blue heron, woodpecker.
Look at the lushness of the trees. I can't wait to go back!!