Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Grist Mill

I just wanna shout out to all my friends who are having a rough time this summer for whatever reason!! You are all so awesome, not turning to drugs, alcohol (so much,) dysfunctional relationships, etc. We are all experiencing whatever comes our way with eyes open and a prayer in our hearts!!!

You all ROCK!!!!

Friday, July 28, 2006


Have you ever waxed your car? Last night was the first time I EVER waxed a car. I ended up doing that instead of working on the crossword and let me tell you...the crossword is WAY quicker than waxing a car in the dark. I was a woman possessed with a bad attitude and too much time on my hands!! I don't even know if I did a good job because it was dark by the time I actually finished! I'll check it out and buff it again this morning (real quick like.) I hope today is a better day.

Thursday, July 27, 2006


Remind me, would you, to not check my mail in the morning. I foolishly opened a letter from the IRS (rarely is it good news, except for my lucky friends - Momin8tor being one) and read it before going into work. It colored my entire day: I was cranky, irritable, had a bad attitude, pessimistic, didn't exercise and didn't smile or enjoy myself at all! If any of you know someone (or ARE someone) who can help me with reviewing my taxes from 2004 (THAT was a fun year for me!) I would be very grateful. I am grateful for: 1. Big box fan 2. Roof over my head 3. Plans to hang out at the lake 4. Cheap wine at Trader Joe's 5. High speed internet Now I'm breathing in. Now I'm breathing out!!! Also, thank you, dear friends for being there for me. When times are tough, I look to you to help bouy my spirits. I'm going to work on yesterday's crossword now.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

A Perfect Summer's Day

Yesterday I was remarking to my MAN that I had two days in one: my work day, which was slow and tedious (except for the company of my good, good friend Momin8tor,) and then my day which occurred after work. I hightailed it down to Cottage Grove, OR, my MAN BBQed steaks for us and I whipped up a nice salad which we were able to eat outside since it was so mild temperature-wise, then I suited up and hopped on the back of his Honda SS 954 for a delicious ride around Cottage Grove Lake. Of course the temps were even more perfect down by the water! After going around the lake the first time we stripped down to our swim suits and jumped into the cool, refreshing water for a nice dip. We yakked it up as we dried al aire libre then we drove around the lake in the other direction.

As I looked around from my sweet position behind my MAN with my arms wrapped around him and the crotch-rocket between my legs at my verdant surroundings, I thought, "This is just perfect, a dream come true." Have you ever had one of those experiences when you know that you will treasure this moment forever? That was my afternoon yesterday!!

This is turning out to be one of the best summers of my life!!

Monday, July 17, 2006


Five things for which I am grateful:

1. Sparkly gold toe nails.
2. Time at the lake with my son, my sweetie & kids.
3. Vinnie's tampon case.
4. Organic tomatoes.
5. Excitement about an upcoming adventure.

My weekend was so much fun, even with the early-morning arisings thanks to the construction outside my door. I got to hang out with my girlz and laze around the lake with Mr. D, his children and my son. I'm also thankful that I was taught the notion of opening my eyes and looking around to notice the love and passion in my life. A little shout-out to my kick-ass therapist, Victoria. You ROCK!!!

Saturday, July 15, 2006


I usually relish my sleep-in of a weekend morn, but not THIS morning! Gansen Construction, in its pursuit of the all-mighty dollar, is erecting an apartment building for 5 families exactly in front of my little four-plex! I've been dreading this process since May, so I had been enjoying every single blade of grass that I knew would be torn up by the end of summer. So here I am, at 7:45 AM on a Saturday, standing outside my place on the balcony, breathing in diesel fumes! I'm in the middle of the process and what I've learned from previous experience is that when in the middle of the process, one needs to stay in the moment, breathe and do a gratitude journal.

I am thankful for:
1. Having a day free to play.
2. Having plenty of healthy food in the fridge.
3. My friends.
4. My incredible boyfriend.
5. Skinner butte park is open!!
6. Pee Wee's playhouse on DVD.

I'll record 5 things for which I am thankful everyday during "the process!!"

Thanks for reading!!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Knitting at the Drag Strip

This weekend at Woodburn drag strip, I was pondering the many different cultures to which I've been exposed thanks to my ex-boyfriends: Mods, Brits, Punks. Now I've been exposed to drag racing! I spent 2 days with the pit crew for Gregg's car (in picture) as they played with their big-boy toys. On Saturday I watched over my sweetie's shoulder as he took apart the engine and meticulously examined then fixed every nook and cranny. It was fascinating and not unlike a medical procedure (which I also find fascinating!) Mr. D is a patient, intelligent teacher. On Sunday I wasn't feeling so hot (a little shout out to Miz Jen and her wicked Mai Tais! -- Curses!!) As I sat in the shade, I pulled out my bright pink and neon orange knitting project and just about finished my tea cozy. I laughed at myself as once again I blended two worlds together in the funky way I always manage to do! Maybe I'll metamorphose into a "Drag Race Junkie," but chances are I'll maintain my own personality while navigating this interesting new culture!!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Pennylicious moves a big way

Well, well, well. The day has finally come wherein I deleted all of my old e-mails from an old relationship that at one time broke my heart. I took the final plunge and deleted all old e-mails and old pictures. In the e-mails was the "hidden" contact information. That is now expunged!! I am ready to face my future with my new sweetie (see picture) and not cling to the past that was so unhealthy for me. I deserve perfect happiness without senselessly fearing another broken heart. I think this fine gentleman will do right by me, and if he doesn't that's his loss.

Hey Neesie...aren't you proud of me?? You were my inspiration!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Floating above the Earth

OK, I just have to say how HAPPY I am right now! My sweetie is into me, I'm into him, we have plans to hang out with friends, I have plans to hang with my girlz this weekend, I've got some cash, I'm active. Wow. Ladies, it's been a long, long time since I've felt truly happy. What perfect timing with the summer and the beautiful weather.

See y-all on Saturday! Go Ems!!

Friday, June 16, 2006

For Whom the Bell Tolls....

Greetings and Salutations, Ladies!

Yesterday was a stressful day for me at work, however, I DID get to use my favorite word: behoove. I try to use the word "behoove" every single day. It doesn't always work its way in my daily conversations, but I try!

Once at my son's school one of the teacher's aides used the word "whom" properly, so I gave him some props. He did not at all take pride that (1) he did indeed use the word correctly (after a preposition such as for, with, etc.,) and (2) it was recognized and appreciated. I was a little disappointed because grammar, punctuation and spelling are hugely important to this former Catholic school gal!! Nothing is more pleasing to me (ok, a few things are a little more pleasing to me) than having a discussion over the correct usage of words, definitions, proper grammar.

It would behoove me to get off the computer and finish getting ready for work, where I will see Neesie with whom I work.

*mwah* Hope to see you soon, CC!!

Monday, June 12, 2006

Please do not read

Noone is interested in the 40-something musings herein. Please turn back and do not continue....

Nothing new, nothing interesting, except: I'm amazed each day that I get to work with Neesie! It's like a beautiful miracle. I just wish we had our third with us...then we'd have the perfect work environment!!

My sweetie has been especially sweet lately, so that's really nice.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Sumthin Spicey

Today I'm listening to Salt-N-Pepa while cleaning house. I have been known to be somewhat of a "musical retard," but now that I have Comcast Rhapsody, those days are behind me! If ever I think of a song I like, I can not only listen to the song, but also the album and any other songs for that artist. It's a musical retard's dream come true.

I'm not actually new to blogging, in fact, here's a link to my myspace blog:

Feel free to check it out. I've been musing there for a few months of ups and downs.

It's a nice day for house cleaning. Hoping to get out of doors for some fun later. Let's see if the weather holds out!!


Friday, June 02, 2006

I'm joining a great group of ladies....


What is it about growing older that puts one through the grist-mill that is known as LIFE?? When I was in my late 30's I thought I had it all figured out, but alas, I didn't know squat!! Now that I've got a few more years under my belt, I've discovered that, yes, life is difficult/challenging/sucky at times, but that I can do it! I can rise above the challenges, I can persevere and as a matter of fact I can THRIVE!! Yes, I am a better person because of all the hard work, self-examination and difficult personalities. Therefore, "Thank you" to all my ex-boyfriends (especially RC,) former bosses and bee-otchy co-workers. You have helped me become a more grateful, humbler Pen Wah who recognizes the kindness, beauty, love and passion that is jam-packed in my life.

A grumble: I'm broke and hate being broke! I guess I'll just have to be creative and thrifty :-)