Monday, May 21, 2007

Squirrels, motorcycles and rain

Devin and I rode his Honda 954 to Florence, OR this weekend for the 100th annual Rhododendron Festival!! I was warned to bring plenty of ibuprofen by the Momin8tor, and I'm glad I did, as riding on the back of a crotch-rocket is quite a physical feat!! It rained a little bit on us on the trip there, but being hard-core Oregonians we weren't phased a bit.

Upon arriving at "Windy Haven" on Heceta beach, we were a little taken aback by the dead rat on the kitchen floor.

Now, I must mention here that rats freak me out in the worst way: I've had several nightmares about rats attacking me, I get the heeby-jeebies in a major way if I see one "in the wild" as I did in SF by the Palace of Fine Arts one time with my friend Doc. I'm completely disgusted that anyone can keep one as a pet. It's gross to me that they drag their weiners around and leave urine trails that can be seen by a black light. I do not like rats AT ALL!!

But OK, we saw one and it was dead at the cabin. I got the heeby-jeebies and my night-in-shining-armor cleaned it up. It was relatively clean, with eyes gone (ugh!!) He didn't mention to me at the time, thankfully, that there were maggots on it. Then, as we were looking around D-man said, "Hey, are those rat turds?" and we started looking, and OMG!! the floor was COVERED in rat turds. UGH!!!!! We noticed that mixed with the turds were sunflower seeds, and upon further exploration, we discovered the food source: a 50# bag of bird seed was in the utility room, had been eaten into and was cast all over the floor of the room.

By this time I am pretty much wringing my hands, rocking back and forth with glazed eyes and moaning unintelligibly. You know that type of look that the person has had a nervous breakdown? That was me. I got my act together enough to clean up all the turds and sunflower seeds with a shovel and bucket while D-man did the vacuuming. It cleaned up pretty nice and all appeared safe and rat-free.

Back to my hatred of rats: I knew that chances were very high that this was not one "lone" rat especially with 50# of bird seed and no humans since March. It was late on Friday night, it was raining, we were staying at Windy Haven free of charge. D-man offered to get us a hotel room if I couldn't stay there. What I decided to do was this: there was no way I could stay in a place that was infested with rats, but I could stay somewhere a squirrel had broken in. Like that one time I stayed at a cabin in Maryland that had a dead squirrel in it. OK, the place was crawling with flies from the maggots, but it was a squirrel. Squirrels are cute. They are also rodents, just like rats. I can talk about squirrels, but cannot talk about rats. So D-man and I agreed that "a squirrel" got into the cabin and died.

We got a good night's sleep and on Saturday morning we thought we maybe heard a squirrel in the cabin, but nothing came of it until Saturday night when we definitely heard AT LEAST 2 squirrels doing their squirrelly business. AND D-man saw a squirrel run under the barcalounger. I forgot to mention that the squirrels didn't seem to get to the back of the cabin where the bathroom and master bedroom were located. So I felt safe there until the squirrels weren't scared of us anymore. We plugged a towel under the door to deter any squirrel exploration into our room, I put my earplugs in and got another good night sleep.

In the morning I got up to make coffee and guess what? ANOTHER dead squirrel on the floor in the kitchen. I screamed, "A SQUIRREL!!! Another dead squirrel!!" Crazy, but this one was even more "chawn upon" than the last one and Devin said it was crawling with maggots. (I feel like I'm gonna throw up right now!) But he scooped it up and it seemed kinda like the place smelled better. I feel sorry for Tamara and Carmen who are going next weekend to exterminate the place and clean it...I'm sure there will be AT LEAST one or two more squirrels to clean up even though we removed all the bird seed.

Devin and I had a terrific weekend get away together, despite the squirrels. I drank tons of alcohol to numb myself (not really ;-)

It just goes to show you that when you're in the middle of something it doesn't seem nearly as bad as the telling is!!!


Anonymous said...

How many points do you think "squirrels" are worth?

Pennylicious said...

I would never EAT a squirrel, so I don't even CARE!!!

You meanie!!

Dev Nickle said...

The freakiest part is, the live "squirrels" drug the second dead one out, so we could get rid of it!

Pennylicious said...

I guess I'm just naive or in denial to think that a single squirrel did that, as opposed to a team. Yuck!