Monday, July 17, 2006


Five things for which I am grateful:

1. Sparkly gold toe nails.
2. Time at the lake with my son, my sweetie & kids.
3. Vinnie's tampon case.
4. Organic tomatoes.
5. Excitement about an upcoming adventure.

My weekend was so much fun, even with the early-morning arisings thanks to the construction outside my door. I got to hang out with my girlz and laze around the lake with Mr. D, his children and my son. I'm also thankful that I was taught the notion of opening my eyes and looking around to notice the love and passion in my life. A little shout-out to my kick-ass therapist, Victoria. You ROCK!!!

1 comment:

Momin8er said...

I love the Vinnie's tampon case idea, if only i knew about it way back when, I used my sock and it fell out in front of a local rock'n roll band in Cali! I was quite embarrassed at the time.
Don't give up on your list, because one of these days those tractors and dozers will be done before you know it and you'll have new neighbors to share in a spitting contest!