Thursday, July 06, 2006

Pennylicious moves a big way

Well, well, well. The day has finally come wherein I deleted all of my old e-mails from an old relationship that at one time broke my heart. I took the final plunge and deleted all old e-mails and old pictures. In the e-mails was the "hidden" contact information. That is now expunged!! I am ready to face my future with my new sweetie (see picture) and not cling to the past that was so unhealthy for me. I deserve perfect happiness without senselessly fearing another broken heart. I think this fine gentleman will do right by me, and if he doesn't that's his loss.

Hey Neesie...aren't you proud of me?? You were my inspiration!

1 comment:

Momin8er said...

Pen-Wah, I'm so very proud of you! It takes a lot to get to where we are in our lives. I'm so glad to be your inspiration.
We deserve to be treated with a lot more respect than the R's in our lives have treated us! We need to respect ourselves so others will follow.