Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Knitting at the Drag Strip

This weekend at Woodburn drag strip, I was pondering the many different cultures to which I've been exposed thanks to my ex-boyfriends: Mods, Brits, Punks. Now I've been exposed to drag racing! I spent 2 days with the pit crew for Gregg's car (in picture) as they played with their big-boy toys. On Saturday I watched over my sweetie's shoulder as he took apart the engine and meticulously examined then fixed every nook and cranny. It was fascinating and not unlike a medical procedure (which I also find fascinating!) Mr. D is a patient, intelligent teacher. On Sunday I wasn't feeling so hot (a little shout out to Miz Jen and her wicked Mai Tais! -- Curses!!) As I sat in the shade, I pulled out my bright pink and neon orange knitting project and just about finished my tea cozy. I laughed at myself as once again I blended two worlds together in the funky way I always manage to do! Maybe I'll metamorphose into a "Drag Race Junkie," but chances are I'll maintain my own personality while navigating this interesting new culture!!


Cindy said...

I personally love the way you meld your worlds. I think it is great. You are open to new situations and ideas, but never loose sight of who you are at the core. I love that about you!

Momin8er said...

It would behoove any of us to know who PenWah the way she really is, any other way would just not be the same! You rock!-Jovi
Vitamin T soon!